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Ever wonder what it would be like to hang out with Jesus? What about being his best friend? John was that guy and he takes his experiences with Jesus and passes along a simple yet profound message in 1 John - God is light and God is love. As God’s love is shared we illuminate the world around us.


Redirect (04-25-2020)

As carriers of the Spirit of God we are reminded through 1 John that love is the most powerful way to light up the room. Because God is love and God is light we are given two of the most basic descriptors of our Creator in this letter. As simple as the message is, the hope of transformation requires us to never stop illuminating the world around us with the Good News.

Speaker: Pastor Philip

God is Light (05-02-2020)

One of the primary themes of the book of 1 John is the idea that God is light and call us to walk in that light. Join us as we dive into Chapter 1 and take a look at the light that bring life and reveals truth.

Speaker: Pastor Jeff

A Family Resemblance (05-09-2020)

This week we are going to look at the first part of the 2nd chapter of 1 John where he talks to us about what it looks like to be part of the family of God. As a child of God, I have to get an understanding of what forgiveness looks like and what it mean to look like my heavenly Father. Let’s take a few minutes, as we meet virtually this week, to talk about the idea of bearing a strong “Family Resemblance” to the family of God.

Speaker: Pastor Steve

Identity and Decisions (05-16-2020)

In our fourth week of Illuminate we will explore the beginning of 1 John chapter 3. We aim to explore an invitation into greater community as well as how our patterns of behavior guide who we are becoming in Christ.

Speaker: Neil

How to Treat People (05-23-2020)

How we respond to people often times has a lot to do with how they treated us first. We don’t like to admit it, and as Christ followers we know there is a “better way” but when it comes to the culture we live in it becomes near impossible to put this into action.  This week we take a dive into the difference between natural and supernatural forms of love and how we can show the world and fellow believers the love of Christ in all situations.

Speaker: Pastor Philip

Life-Giving Love (05-30-2020)

It can be hard to fully comprehend the idea that that God is love.  We define people using virtuous words regularly but do we ever say that person is love?  God incarnates within us a life-giving love that is supernatural and challenges the church to be carriers of this great love to the rest of the world – so that all might see Jesus.

Speaker: Pastor Philip

Extended Family Dynamics (06-06-2020)

The book of 1 John takes on new significance in our current cultural moment. Join us this week as we examine what it means to love God by putting Christ at the center, loving His children, and following His commands.

Speaker: Pastor Jeff

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