We believe that we have been given a new identity in Christ because of the gospel. We are now a part of God’s family, continually learning to walk in His ways, walking and growing alongside other members of His family, and loving and serving the world around us.

We understand that in order to fully realize this new identity, we must develop healthy rhythms of “healing in” (our relationship with Jesus), “raising up” (our relationship to Christian community), and “sending out” (our relationship to God’s mission).



We believe that Jesus brings healing into every aspect of our life if we allow Him the space to do so. This rhythm is about my personal connection to Jesus and how that fits into the larger community of Christ.

"Because Jesus is to be worshiped and treasured above all things, we commit to loving God in all aspects of our lives, and pursuing Him individually and communally through spiritual practices including scripture, prayer, Sabbath rest, generosity, gathered worship, and repentance."



We believe that the Gospel is meant to be lived in community and that, as we do so, we are raised to our fullest potential in Christ. This rhythm is about my relationship to the larger community of those who follow Jesus.

"Because the gospel is meant to be lived out in community, we commit to loving and serving fellow followers of Christ as embodied by the Church, both individually and communally, through spiritual practices including shared life, discipleship, and grace."



We believe that the Gospel is something that is meant to be shared and that, as we do so, we partner with God in reconciling all things back to Himself. This rhythm is about my relationship to the missio dei: the mission of God.

"Because, as followers of Jesus, we have been sent to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; we commit to loving those outside of the Church, both individually and communally, through spiritual practices including service, shared tables, and redemptive mission."