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Since the beginning of time humanity struggles with the same core deficiencies yet we continue to treat them as new, ground-breaking hurdles.  Understanding how our identities are tied to struggles that we have faced since creation allows us to understand ourselves better, and how we can invite the Holy Spirit in to guide us forward.


Genesis Part 1: In the Beginning… (01-11-2020)

Within the poetic creation story is woven into us the deep seated struggle for feeling complete on our own. We always want more, it’s in our human nature. In the beginning, Adam and Eve are comforted with the tree in the Garden of Eden and we are introduced to this desire to fulfill ourselves with things other than God himself.

Speaker: Pastor Philip

Genesis Part 2: Culture vs. Calling (01-18-2020)

Have you across a story or a passage in Scripture that created tension within you? Join us this week as we collectively wrestle with the story of Abraham and his son, Isaac, and what it teaches us about culture and calling.

Speaker: Pastor Jeff

Genesis Part 3: Joseph (01-25-2020)

The third message in our Genesis series as a part of our family gathering for January.

Speaker: Pastor Philip

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