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Doing life together can be one of the hardest things we embark on as Christ Followers. The cost can be pricey at times, but putting in the effort and time to live among each other and welcome others to our table is worth the cost. The result of doing life together is not only experienced within our church, but also within our community as they see the love of Jesus up close and personal.


God’s Plan (11-02-2019)

No matter how much we try to avoid it at times, God designed us as humans to do life with each other. It is messy, hard, beautiful, and redemptive, but often times the biggest area we need to assess starts with our perspective. Does our worldview consist of a gospel that is individualistic or pluralistic?

Speaker: Pastor Philip

This Is Hard (11-09-2019)

As the Church and culture are undergoing major shifts, living life in community seems more difficult than ever. It doesn't have to be. What if it's as simple as putting our butts in a chair and sharing a table?

Speaker: Pastor Mike

A Healthy Church (11-16-2019)

A healthy church is never the same thing as a perfect church. However, as a church grows to love each other and love the world it is called into, a transformation occurs. The transformation becomes one of unity, collaboration, and one of healing - inward and outward.

Speaker: Pastor Philip

Strength in Numbers (11-23-2019)

It's usually easier to accomplish tasks on our own rather then bringing others along with us. As we understand the way of Jesus, we begin to discover that his desire is less about what we do, but who we become. Our spiritual formation is best developed through the journey we take with others. Ultimately, the Spirit teaches us that we are better together then we ever could be on our own.

Speaker: Pastor Philip

What Can I Do? (11-30-2019)

During our Family Gathering we focused on recapping some of the main points throughout the series on our role within community, how we implement a shared table, and how we love people within our church and outside.

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