Sometimes life throws holding patterns at us where we feel like we are standing still and life continues moving at a hundred miles an hour. Through this series, we want to give permission to the pains and frustrations we often feel, as well as create space for our movement forward. God works in the midst of our holding patterns.

Ambient Noise (02-12-2017)

Have you ever stood in a crowd of people and had a hard time hearing the conversation you are trying to engage in? When life throws holding patterns at us, it can feel like the ambient noise of life drowns out all other voices.

Healing In (02-19-2017)

As we continue in our series, we take another look at what it's like to feel like your life is stuck in a holding pattern. While these holding patterns can often be no fault of our own, if we're being honest, they can also be self-imposed.

Life Made Manifest (02-26-2017)

When we allow ourselves to raise to our fullest potential, we allow Life to be Made Manifest. Join us this week as we talk through things like authority and accountability and the fear that all of us posses that keeps us from living this life to our fullest potential.

The Running God (03-05-2017)

Maybe your life has had some tumultuous turns along the way. This series we've been talking about Holding Patterns. Maybe you are currently feeling like you are constantly on the run from something that has happened to you. Let me tell you, you are part of the right group of people.