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Families look a lot different in 2019 then they did thirty years ago.  Generations have redefined what it means to be a family, walk through the good and the bad and do life together.  God designed us from the beginning to be in relationship with each other and the people that we choose to bring along with us are often described as family.  The church has a unique opportunity to speak to these close relationships whether it be between spouses, parents and their kids, best friends, or blending families together, we believe that Jesus has a goal in mind for how we live these out.


God’s Design for Families (05-18-2019)

In a world where words like dysfunctional and pain are commonly used to describe a family, how do we get back to our roots of love? God’s design for families is to be a place where His love flows from us in a natural giving and receiving pattern resulting in thriving, functional families.

Speaker: Connie

Healthy Conflict (05-25-2019)

Our current cultural moment is marked by polarization and conflict. It is almost impossible to avoid even within our marriages, our immediate families, or our chosen families. So if we can't avoid it, how can we make sure we engage in conflict in ways that are healthy and wise?

Speaker: Pastor Jeff

Discipling Our Kids (06-01-2019)

Raising and discipling our kids has always been a challenge, but in today's world it seems like it's even more difficult. So, in light of my own brokenness and the baggage we carry into our families, how do we effectively do this? Discipling our kids is a pathway we navigate that only happens within the context of being present in their lives. It allows us to speak truth into their hearts and influence their lives over time. But God's design is for this is to happen within the beauty and diversity of spiritual community.

Speaker: Pastor Steve

Managing Expectations (06-08-2019)

We place expectations on everyone we interact with - at home, at work, while we are driving, and even the random strangers we come in contact with throughout the day.  The reality is that so often our expectations are one of the largest sources of frustration in our lives because we haven't figured out how to manage them.  Through some fundamental principles, practical tools, and an honest look at our own lives, we can all take steps to help those around us develop healthy relationships.

Speaker: Pastor Philip

Healthy Communication (06-15-2019)

A lot of people make noise in the world today. There are opinions on everything on every corner. Despite how strongly we feel about the communication breakdowns that we witness around us, God's design for healthy communication is laid out for us. Learning how to speak, listen, and offer grace in our communication efforts can drastically change how we show Jesus to those we love, and the world around us.

Speaker: Pastor Philip

Following the Spirit into Paradox (06-22-2019)

The longer we lead, love, and live the more we are aware that we are full of paradoxes. Within these paradoxes, the question resides: "how do I live for a vision worthy of myself, my family, and my friends?" This week we will talk about following the Spirit into a larger vision, despite the paradoxes we know and face.

Speaker: Pastor Mike

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